Chamber Committees and Responsibilities
Banquet: Chaired by President Elect. The Chamber holds an annual banquet (Gala), and the Banquet Committee is responsible for organizing the event.
Ways and Means: Responsible for proposing ways of raising revenue for the Chamber. At least (3) Directors shall sit on the committee.
Budget: Chaired by the Treasurer. The Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of an operating budget and financial policy covering all activities of the Chamber.
Executive: Chaired by the President, includes the President Elect, the Vice President, Treasurer and the Executive Director. The Executive Committee shall act for and on behalf of the BOD when the Board is not in session but shall be accountable to the Board for its actions.
Personnel: Run by the Executive Committee and any other Director wanting to serve. Shall convene at least once per year, with one meeting taking place as near to the close of the second fiscal quarter as practicable. Employee reviews shall be comprised of self-evaluations and evaluations conducted by the members of the Personnel Committee.
Nominations: Chaired by President Elect, (2) Members shall be from the BOD, (2) active Voting Members who are not Directors. Present (5) Voting Members in good standing as new BOD candidates.
Bylaws: Shall review the Bylaws every 2 years and make recommendations, if any, concerning any proposed additions, modifications, or omissions.
Financial Review: A local CPA shall be selected through an RFP no later than the March Board of Directors meeting. The BOD will review the special procedures engagement and tax returns at their June meeting. The Committee shall give a quarterly report of the financial condition of the Chamber to the BOD.
DUES (ad hoc): Chaired by President. Review the current dues structure with the Chamber staff and suggest ideas, thoughts on dues increases/benefits of Chamber membership.
CANDIDATE FORUM (ad hoc): Chaired by President. Plan and implement forum for elections.